Musings from the sickbed

Jul 16, 2024

And so it is. It can be hard to show compassion and patience when it seems our body has betrayed us with sickness. How can we find a place of ease, acceptance and faith? Allowing our body to heal, to trust that it’s really doing the best it can, that the remedies, herbs, foods, medications, etc. are making a difference in the ongoing dance of life. The notion of balance is somewhat misleading as it implies a fixed point yet our body is in constant flux: adapting, responding, absorbing, reacting, contracting, releasing – it doesn’t stop! It’s so easy to fall into the ‘if I do everything ‘right’, I’ll be ok’. Yes sometimes, and sometime no. It’s not all up to me. And so I keep going with my medicines and convalescence, finding the edges of what it means to be healthy and whole in the midst of illness. I wish everyone moments of ease and graceful acceptance, courage and faith!

Another thought paraphrased from Chani Nicholas (Astrologer) concerning next months August planetary energy: what about we DON’T build our lives around burnout! How can we say ‘no’ to overwhelm? How can we attend to our body in small ways? How can we allow some nourishment when we are compelled to push? Where can we put some shock absorption in our life?

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